TAROT of Becoming
We are the stuff of stars.
We are now called forth
to be all that we are: Divinely Human.

Phone and online Zoom Readings Available
Life Coach, High Priestess, Reader of the Space Between the Words and Images, Channel of your Higher Guidance. These are all terms used to describe what I do with the Tarot. You and I are partners as we set out together on a journey of discovery in the unconscious. I guarantee that something profound will occur. My Tarot readings are not about the future which is always in flux. My readings are about how to create your best future, for you are the manifester. Come explore with me what your part will be in as we transition to a new reality.
Sixty minute reading with MP3 recording Sliding scale: $60 - $90
Thirty minute reading with MP3 recording $40
Inner Integration therapeutic work
Online with Zoom or in person
at The Garden Studio in Eureka, CA
Call or email for appointment and directions 707 - 442-4240